Mental Health

Mental Health
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Mental Health

Mental Health is an essential part of your overall health and wellbeing.[1] Good mental health means that you are able to recognise your own abilities, adapt to the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to your community.[2] Several social, psychological, and biological factors determine the degree of emotional wellbeing you might experience at any given time.[2] If a person is engaging in a pattern of behaviour or thinking that is causing them significant distress or is having a negative impact on their life, they may wish to seek professional medical advice to get appropriate support in managing the problem.[3] The discipline of neuroscience is key to understanding how our brains work and how we can maintain good mental health, which is key to everything else in our lives. In addition, the research and development process conducted in neuroscience is concerned with providing innovative treatment options that have the potential to help people who are experiencing mental health-related challenges.[4]

Janssen's heritage in neuroscience began more than 60 years ago, when our founder, Dr. Paul Janssen, developed a drug that revolutionised the standard of care for schizophrenia. It is our mission to reduce the burden, disability and devastation caused by serious neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases while we expand our focus to include the full range of psychosis spectrum disorders and mood dysregulation to address unmet needs.[5]

Janssen & Mental Health

We continue our commitment to driving innovative Research and Development (R&D) that solves unmet needs across psychiatric conditions.

We work with, and support, around 30 patient and carer organisations across Europe. These partnerships enhance our understanding of neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions as we continue to grow our global portfolio and optimise our support for patients.

Working with patients and caregivers, we have developed practical tools and public initiatives to help people living with neuropsychiatric conditions better understand and manage their conditions.

Our alliances take many forms, but our goal is always the same: to advance scientific research and deliver solutions that benefit patients, physicians and society. Our global presence and cross-business portfolio provide us with the flexibility to build strong relationships and become the partner of choice for many collaborative opportunities in both established and emerging markets. In emerging markets, our vision is to enable the delivery of quality medicines, harness growth and expand businesses.

Our medications and innovations have improved the quality of care for millions of patients living with neuropsychiatric conditions.

Explore our Disease Areas

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that destroys brain cells over a long period of time. It impacts memory, thinking, orientation, language, judgement, and the ability to carry out simple tasks.[6] It is not a normal part of ageing, but a progressive neurodegenerative disease.[6]

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Being in a bad mood or feeling sad because something terrible happened is part of a normal, emotionally balanced human life. There are different types of depression and major depressive disorder or MDD is one of them. major depressive disorder (MDD) is a long-lasting, biologically-based mood disorder.[7]


Schizophrenia is a misunderstood and stigmatised illness. When someone is suffering from a psychotic episode as the result of their schizophrenia, their normal thought processes are disrupted. This may give people the misperception that the person with schizophrenia has multiple personalities, which is not the case. The schizophrenic mind is not split but shattered.[8]


Mayo Clinic. Psoriasis Symptoms and Causes. Available at: Accessed: December 2023.
National Psoriasis Foundation. Life with Psoriasis. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
NHS. Living with Psoriasis. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
National Psoriasis Foundation. About Psoriasis. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (PAPAA). Psoriasis: a simple explanation. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
Arlington Dermatology. A look at the types of Psoriasis. Available at: A Look at the Types of Psoriasis - Arlington Dermatology. Accessed: December 2023
National Psoriasis Foundation. Inverse Psoriasis. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
National Psoriasis Foundation: Pustular Psoriasis. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
National Psoriasis Foundation: Erythrodermic Psoriasis. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
National Psoriasis Foundation. Psoriasis Statistics. Available at: Get the Facts About Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis : National Psoriasis Foundation Accessed: December 2023.
European Parliament. Parliamentary Question: EU action on psoriasis. Available at: Parliamentary question | EU action on psoriasis | E-010237/2012 | European Parliament ( Accessed: January 2024.
Rachakonda, T.D. , Schupp, C. W. , Armstrong, A. W., Psoriasis prevalence among adults in the United States. 2014 March, 70(3):512-6 How Psoriasis is diagnosed. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
Mayo Clinic. Psoriasis Diagnosis and Treatment. Available at: Accessed: December 2023
World Health Organization. Global Report on Psoriasis. 2016. Available at: 9789241565189_eng.pdf;jsessionid=59BF358B7BAF831581BEE9D2E728D5D0 ( Accessed: January 2024
Rapp SR, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999;41:401–7
Pompili, M., et al (2016). Suicide risk and psychiatric comorbidity in patients with psoriasis. The Journal of international medical research, 44(1 suppl), 61–66.
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