While AL amyloidosis can be managed there are limited treatment options, which mainly depend on the clinical state of the patient. The goal of treatment is to decrease the abnormal white plasma cells, slow the production of abnormal light chains, and prevent further organ damage. Patients may relapse after treatment and need more than one line of treatment. Some treatment options are listed below. They are in no particular order: 12
Your doctor may also discuss using other treatments, or the possibility of being enrolled for treatment within a clinical trial.
If you have a weak heart or heart failure, you may need specific medicines. The risk of adverse events can make it more difficult to manage treatment.
For kidney failure, you could need dialysis during the end-stage or be offered a kidney transplant, providing you are suited for the procedure. But this does not treat the underlying cause of your kidney failure – AL amyloidosis. So you may need to continue other treatment methods, such as chemotherapy, to ensure amyloid build-up does not cause further organ damage.
Given that high salt levels are associated with high blood pressure and heart disease,4 your doctors and nurses will carefully moderate your salt intake.